I had the opportunity to shoot this editorial in San Diego just two weeks before our country was shook with the Covid19 pandemic.
I write this blog now, in the midst of the stay home orders and in quivering fear of what is to become of my business. Weddings have been and are rescheduling. There is no way to know if event bans are going to continue past April or May.
Complete uncertainty.
This editorial was visioned to tell “The Story of the Sea”. And while I didn’t know this while I was shooting it, it tells the story of my personal sea, and the depths of many other business owners.
The sea: mysterious, a world of unknown, dark, depth, and powerful.
In this time I feel scared and lonely, however, I know there are so many other business owners feeling what I am feeling and we are suffering together. Somber. The word Somber is the word that speaks to my life right now.
In this time of feeling powerless, I am letting go. Letting go of what I thought my year would look like. Letting go of control. Letting go of my dreams (temporarily). And now holding on to each other to ride out the waves. This work speaks volumes to that. The movement of the wind and the waves is literally embracing the wild and uncertainty. And you know what? It’s the damned most beautiful thing.
There is nothing I want to do more right now that to wear a pretty flowy dress and stand into the roaring ocean. Silence… freedom… to let go. Let the tears stream down my face and dance.
Business owners, we are strong. We built our businesses from the ground up, and we can do it again.
Creative Direction / Styling / Florals: @jannabrowndesignco
Educator: @ashleyraephotography
Coordinator: @sarahparkevents
Hair and MUA: @beautybespoken
Calligraphy + Paper Details: @bohoink
Video @Dearloversfilms
Gowns: @carolhannahbridal
Surfaces: @jrd_artshop
Ribbon: @silkandwilllow
Lab Sponsor: @Photovisionprints
Workshop Host: @thehybridco
Rentals: @foundrentals
Model 1: @kattyukhanova
Model 2: @klaudiareidy
Model 3: olgazhukova.1
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